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Matthias, gelernter Meistertischler, formt in seiner Werkstatt im oberen Waldviertel diverse formschöne Einzelstücke aus Holz. Von Schalen, Teller, Kugeln - roh bis geölt und Hochglanz  poliert findet man viele interessante Teile. Wenn es die Zeit zulässt. findet man Matthias auch auf Kunsthandwerk-Ausstellungen, wie die Linum Ausstellung auf Schloss Weitra, im Waldviertel.

Wenn jemand gerne seine Sammlung schöner Dinge bereichern mag, oder ein Geschenk sucht, kann gerne bei ihm vorbei schauen. www.m-seidl.at

Lockdown Stories

Jeder empfand zu Zeiten der Pandemie Isolation komplett unterschiedlich. Manche fanden es als Bereicherung, weil man Zeit fand, um sich komplett neu zu orientieren. Betrieb Sport, wechselte im Unternehmen die Position, um sich neuen Herrausforderungen zu witmen. Andere waren beruflich mitten im Geschehen - an der Front bei den Kranken, haben aber trotz der mentalen und physischen Ansprengung Zeit gefunden, sich zu erden und entspannen. Hier dazu ein kleiner Bildband.

Secret Diary of a Polegirl

'I work hard for the money' but it is actually

'I do it for my pleasure'?

Pole dancing is as versatile as the dancers themselves. Today femals and males off all sizes, shapes, ages and professions dance for fun and recreational reasons on the pole, aerial hoop, hammock or silks - it may be sexy though too, when intended, but the main aim is a fit body and soul.

The fact about all those georgous moves is: until you get your poses, moves and flows right, it is very physical, expressive, sweaty and demanding - but lot of fun. The focus is on strength training, stretching, dance, creativity, building self-confidence and developing a feeling for your body. It also helps you overcome your personal limits. It's a change from everyday life at work or at university, it enriches your life with a hint of sexy and you find new friends and kindred-spirits in this very supporting and encouraging global pole sport community.

Bruises, strains and various injuries indeed may not be absent - but the result is definitely worth it. It is indeed a great feeling, if you can hang upside down in the splits and other great poses - simply because you can! You decide for yourself how you want to push yourself and how you want to feel. It's great walking - sometimes in 8-inch highheels - on the edge of being physically fit, vital and strong and sexy for your own sake - not for somebody elses. You do it for your pleasure and your well being. Body and soul are brought into harmony with music and training and you grow beyond yourself. That is the real spirit of aerial sports.

Even though the history of dancing on a pole started in clubs, international pioneers from the exotic dancing scene have developed their talents into todays sport. World wide you can find several serious competitions, workshops and studios. There are even attempts to make pole sport an Olympic discipline - it is a serious business!

Lisa is one of those supporting and inspiring characters in the community. She is owner of Aerialistic Body & Soul e.U. and has achieved exactly that balance between fitness, health and a good spirit in her studio. She founded her own business in 2018 in the 3rd district of Vienna. During the days Lisa is also currently studying physiotherapy full-time. Courses and workshops are held in the evenings and weekends.

For her an holistic approach, body awareness and health are in the foreground. Which doesn't mean that you can't be sexy too - on the contrary. What is good for the body, is also good for the soul.

Thanks to Lisa Lagler, BA MA! Check out her studio Aerialistic Body & Soul




Last words from a polegirl's perspektive, like myself: what defines a real 'polegirl' ...

Be wild and free in the light of the sun, on the streets, in a studio, in a club, or in your cozy home. Hide it or share it with your friends, your loved ones, your kindred-spirits or just with yourself. Get excited, be inspired, be bold, be delighted, be silly and funky. Be kind to yourself. Be your light in the dark. Dance like no one is watching. 'Be strong as a bear, light as a feather and as graceful as a gazelle' - shine like a star and be yourself...

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